American Harlequin Rabbit Club
Article I – Name and Affiliation
This organization is called the American Harlequin Rabbit Club (AHRC) and is affiliated with the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. (ARBA), as a chartered National Specialty Club representing Harlequin Rabbits.
Article II – Object
Objects of this nonprofit club are to promote, encourage and develop the breeding and exhibition of the Harlequin rabbit.
Article III – Officers
Section 1. The club’s elective officers are the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and six (6) directors elected by and from the club membership. All officers must be members of the American Rabbit Breeders Association and failure to maintain that required membership will be viewed as a resignation from office. To assume an office in the AHRC, the elected must prepay their AHRC dues through the end of their term of office. The offices of the President, Secretary/Treasurer and Directors 1, 2, and 3 will be elected in odd numbered years; the offices of the Vice President and Directors 4, 5 and 6 will be elected in even numbered years.
Section 2. Each officer is elected for a two (2) year term or until a successor is elected and qualified elected officials assume their duties January 1 following their election.
Section 3. No elected officials except the Secretary/Treasurer, shall serve more than three (3) terms in succession in any one respective office.
Section 4. When an office vacancy occurs, it shall be filled by Presidential appointment, with Board of Director approval (all nine [9] elected officers are members of the board).
Section 5. The Vice-President shall assume the office of the President in case of the President’s absence, or resignation.
Section 6. A new Vice-President shall then be appointed by the President with the board of director’s approval.
Article IV – Elections
Section 1. Members who wish to seek elective office must notify the Secretary as to the office they want.
Section 2. The Secretary shall place on the ballot the names of all members seeking each individual office.
Section 3. An election chairman, who is appointed by the President and approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors and cannot serve for more than three (3) election cycles, will count ballots and forward results to the Secretary. The candidate who received a plurality of votes cast for each office shall be declared elected. The election chairman cannot run for office, live in the household of any candidate for office or be family of any candidate for office.
Article V – Duties of Officers
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the president to: a) preside over all meetings of the club and Board of Directors using Robert's Rules of Order b) direct daily business affairs of the club with the normal authority of an Executive Board member c) act on behalf of the club and legally obligate the club, subject to approval of the Board of Directors if required d) assign tasks as are necessary to individuals or committees
Section 2. The duties of the Vice President shall be the same as those of the President in the case of the President’s absence, or resignation. The Vice President is also a member of the board of directors.
Section 3. The Secretary/Treasurer collects and accounts for all monies due the club; pays all bills and makes report of actions taken. The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for delegating and tracking of club property, and is also a member of the board of directors. All club expenses not currently in the annual budget or exceeding the allotted budget must be approved by the board.
Section 4. The six directors along with the President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer, comprise the board of Directors. The board has charge of the various business transactions and authorized expenditures by and for the club. It passes on all special legislative matters found desirable and not in conflict with or provided in this instrument. The Board shall see that the Secretary/Treasurer’s books are audited for each calendar year and when he (she) retires from office.
Article VI – Meetings
Authorized meetings of the AHRC shall be held in conjunction with the American Rabbit Breeders Association Inc.’s annual convention and show, and the national All-Harlequin show.
Article VII – Alterations, Amendments, Resolutions
Section 1. All alterations, amendments or resolutions to be offered before any authorized meeting shall be made in writing and sent to the Secretary at least ninety (90) days prior to the mailing of the ballot.
Section 2. Alterations, amendments and/or resolutions shall be presented to the members at least thirty (30) days in advance of the mailing of the ballot.
Section 3. Alterations, amendments and/or resolutions adopted which specify no time to take effect will become effective on the date adopted.
By Laws
Article I – Membership
Section 1. Membership applications must be accompanied by the appropriate amount payable to the AHRC and submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 2. Membership will begin from date of application for a term of one (1) year.
Section 3. Any member who is in arrears for two (2) calendar months, shall have his/her individual, combination and/or youth name removed from the membership list.
Section 4. A member may be appointed to life membership at any time by the board of directors. The member must have been an active member of the club continuously for ten (10) years to be eligible for life membership.
Section 5. A member with 20 years of continuous membership shall automatically be awarded a life membership in the club.
Article II – Membership fees
Section 1. Annual Membership fees are set by the board of directors.
Section 2. “Youth” is interpreted as persons between the ages of five and eighteen, inclusive. Eighteen shall be classified as youth for one year though the member becoming nineteen during that year of membership.
Article III – Notices
All notices and publications sent to any member will be sent by mail to his or her mailing address or email as it appears on the club’s records and such mailing shall be presumptive evidence of the service thereof. Any change of address must be sent to the Secretary.
Article IV – Voting
Section 1. The voting for election of officers shall be conducted by means of voting ballots which shall be sent by the Secretary to each member in good standing. Members will have a choice to vote either electronically or by mail.
Section 2. One ballot shall be allowed for each member over the age of 12. For electronic voting, one email per residential/PO address shall be used for members residing/using the address. The same email cannot be used for multiple physical household/PO addresses.
Section 3. Preference of judges for the national convention will be by ballot of the entire membership.
Section 4. In case of a tie in voting of the membership or the board of directors, the President shall have the power to cast a deciding vote.
Section 5. Requests to host the National All-Harlequin show, submitted by a Harlequin club member, will be placed on an annual ballot in August for the show to be held two years in the future.
Section 6. In the event that no qualified bid is submitted for the National All-Harlequin Show, the location of the show will be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 7. If the election chair finds manipulation or misuse of election procedures, the chair must bring the issue to the Board of Directors for discussion and vote concerning offending member/s using Robert’s Rules of Order procedure.
Article V – Show Rules
Section 1. The American Rabbit Breeders Association Inc. show rules govern this club.
Section 2. If the terms of conditions of any show cannot be met, the board of directors shall decide all issues, and its decisions are final.
Section 3. Recognized national shows shall be the ARBA annual show and convention and the AHRC National All-Harlequin show. Sweepstakes points received at these two shows will be doubled.
Section 4. The AHRC is not responsible for any prizes offered by individuals. Any club member guilty of not paying prizes offered shall be barred from offering any specials at championship shows and subject to a one (1) year suspension from the club.
Section 5. Awards offered by the AHRC are guaranteed.
Section 6. Prize contributions for successful members at national shows shall be received by the Secretary/Treasurer and all monetary prizes offered by the AHRC will be paid to the winners from the club treasury.
Section 7. Any club wishing to hold a Harlequin sanctioned sweepstakes show must request permission from the club to hold such a show. The request is to be accompanied by a sanction fee as set by the board of directors as well as the show’s ARBA sanction number.
Section 8. The AHRC shall conduct a “sweepstakes series contest” each year for both adult and youth members with the following sweepstakes points computed and awarded to the exhibitors who are members in good standing:
a. Each first place rabbit will be awarded six (6) points times the number of Harlequins exhibited in its class.
b. Each second place rabbit will be awarded four (4) points times the number of Harlequins exhibited in its class.
c. Each third place rabbit will be awarded three (3) points times the number of Harlequins exhibited in its class.
d. Each fourth place rabbit will be awarded two (2) points times the number of Harlequins exhibited in its class.
e. Each fifth place rabbit will be awarded one (1) point times the number of Harlequins exhibited in its class.
f. Each BOB winner will be awarded one (1) point times the number of Harlequins entered at the show.
g. Each BOSB winner will be awarded one half (1/2) point times the number of Harlequins entered at the show, rounded up to the nearest full point.
Section 9. The AHRC shall conduct a “quality contest” each calendar year with the following headings and points calculated as follows:
a. Most BOBs – one point for each BOB won.
b. Most BOSBs – one point for each BOSB won.
c. Most Defeated BOBs – one point for each Harlequin in the breed
d. Most Defeated BOS's -- one point for each best opposite sex harlequin in breed.
e. Most Defeated BOG Japanese – one point for each Japanese shown
f. Most Defeated BOSG Japanese -- one point for each best opposite sex of group Japanese shown.
g. Most Defeated BOG Magpie – one point for each Magpie shown
h. Most Defeated BOSG Magpie – one point for each best opposite sex of group magpie shown.
Section 10. AHRC membership automatically qualifies members for the “Sweepstakes Series Contest” and the “Quality Contest” and the “High Harley Contest”.
Section 11. Youth sanctions are free when obtained with an open show and an ARBA sanction number is enclosed.
Section 12. Sweepstakes points will be awarded to member exhibitors for and in the year that the sanction is returned.
Section 13. High Harley – BOB receives 1-point times number in breed.
Section 14. Whenever a club that has paid for a Harlequin sanction and no Harlequins are shown, that club will receive a free sanction for their next show upon request.
Article VI – Business Transactions
When meetings cannot be called or held, this club shall do all business to the officers and the board of directors by mail/electronic means.
Article VII – Order of Business
Section 1. When club meetings are held, the following order is recommended:
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting
3. Secretary/Treasurer’s report
4. Executive committee’s report
5. Report of other committees
6. Reading of communications
7. Reading of resolutions
8. Unfinished business
9. New Business
10. Discussions
11. Adjournment
Section 2. Robert’s Rules of Order as revised will be the governing rule in the business meetings.
Article VIII – Commissions and Expenses
Section 1. The Secretary/Treasurer shall receive a gas allotment not to exceed $150 for transportation for each national convention and National All-Harlequin show attended. The Secretary/Treasurer will also be allotted a yearly salary of $250. No other financial awards, stipends or commissions shall be awarded without a vote of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. The sweepstakes points keeper shall receive $150 per year to offset expenses to the national convention and/or the National All-Harlequin show.
Section 3. All expenses of the club shall be paid from the money first coming in, and in no case will expenses of allowances be permitted any officer or member without approval of the board of directors.
Article IX – Amendments
All amendments to the Bylaws should be made in the manner described in Article VII of the Constitution.
Article X – Interpretation
The interpretation of the Constitution, Bylaws and all documents and order to the board of directors, shall be binding upon all club members and those enjoying any of the club’s privileges.
Article I – Name and Affiliation
This organization is called the American Harlequin Rabbit Club (AHRC) and is affiliated with the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. (ARBA), as a chartered National Specialty Club representing Harlequin Rabbits.
Article II – Object
Objects of this nonprofit club are to promote, encourage and develop the breeding and exhibition of the Harlequin rabbit.
Article III – Officers
Section 1. The club’s elective officers are the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and six (6) directors elected by and from the club membership. All officers must be members of the American Rabbit Breeders Association and failure to maintain that required membership will be viewed as a resignation from office. To assume an office in the AHRC, the elected must prepay their AHRC dues through the end of their term of office. The offices of the President, Secretary/Treasurer and Directors 1, 2, and 3 will be elected in odd numbered years; the offices of the Vice President and Directors 4, 5 and 6 will be elected in even numbered years.
Section 2. Each officer is elected for a two (2) year term or until a successor is elected and qualified elected officials assume their duties January 1 following their election.
Section 3. No elected officials except the Secretary/Treasurer, shall serve more than three (3) terms in succession in any one respective office.
Section 4. When an office vacancy occurs, it shall be filled by Presidential appointment, with Board of Director approval (all nine [9] elected officers are members of the board).
Section 5. The Vice-President shall assume the office of the President in case of the President’s absence, or resignation.
Section 6. A new Vice-President shall then be appointed by the President with the board of director’s approval.
Article IV – Elections
Section 1. Members who wish to seek elective office must notify the Secretary as to the office they want.
Section 2. The Secretary shall place on the ballot the names of all members seeking each individual office.
Section 3. An election chairman, who is appointed by the President and approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors and cannot serve for more than three (3) election cycles, will count ballots and forward results to the Secretary. The candidate who received a plurality of votes cast for each office shall be declared elected. The election chairman cannot run for office, live in the household of any candidate for office or be family of any candidate for office.
Article V – Duties of Officers
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the president to: a) preside over all meetings of the club and Board of Directors using Robert's Rules of Order b) direct daily business affairs of the club with the normal authority of an Executive Board member c) act on behalf of the club and legally obligate the club, subject to approval of the Board of Directors if required d) assign tasks as are necessary to individuals or committees
Section 2. The duties of the Vice President shall be the same as those of the President in the case of the President’s absence, or resignation. The Vice President is also a member of the board of directors.
Section 3. The Secretary/Treasurer collects and accounts for all monies due the club; pays all bills and makes report of actions taken. The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for delegating and tracking of club property, and is also a member of the board of directors. All club expenses not currently in the annual budget or exceeding the allotted budget must be approved by the board.
Section 4. The six directors along with the President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer, comprise the board of Directors. The board has charge of the various business transactions and authorized expenditures by and for the club. It passes on all special legislative matters found desirable and not in conflict with or provided in this instrument. The Board shall see that the Secretary/Treasurer’s books are audited for each calendar year and when he (she) retires from office.
Article VI – Meetings
Authorized meetings of the AHRC shall be held in conjunction with the American Rabbit Breeders Association Inc.’s annual convention and show, and the national All-Harlequin show.
Article VII – Alterations, Amendments, Resolutions
Section 1. All alterations, amendments or resolutions to be offered before any authorized meeting shall be made in writing and sent to the Secretary at least ninety (90) days prior to the mailing of the ballot.
Section 2. Alterations, amendments and/or resolutions shall be presented to the members at least thirty (30) days in advance of the mailing of the ballot.
Section 3. Alterations, amendments and/or resolutions adopted which specify no time to take effect will become effective on the date adopted.
By Laws
Article I – Membership
Section 1. Membership applications must be accompanied by the appropriate amount payable to the AHRC and submitted to the Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 2. Membership will begin from date of application for a term of one (1) year.
Section 3. Any member who is in arrears for two (2) calendar months, shall have his/her individual, combination and/or youth name removed from the membership list.
Section 4. A member may be appointed to life membership at any time by the board of directors. The member must have been an active member of the club continuously for ten (10) years to be eligible for life membership.
Section 5. A member with 20 years of continuous membership shall automatically be awarded a life membership in the club.
Article II – Membership fees
Section 1. Annual Membership fees are set by the board of directors.
Section 2. “Youth” is interpreted as persons between the ages of five and eighteen, inclusive. Eighteen shall be classified as youth for one year though the member becoming nineteen during that year of membership.
Article III – Notices
All notices and publications sent to any member will be sent by mail to his or her mailing address or email as it appears on the club’s records and such mailing shall be presumptive evidence of the service thereof. Any change of address must be sent to the Secretary.
Article IV – Voting
Section 1. The voting for election of officers shall be conducted by means of voting ballots which shall be sent by the Secretary to each member in good standing. Members will have a choice to vote either electronically or by mail.
Section 2. One ballot shall be allowed for each member over the age of 12. For electronic voting, one email per residential/PO address shall be used for members residing/using the address. The same email cannot be used for multiple physical household/PO addresses.
Section 3. Preference of judges for the national convention will be by ballot of the entire membership.
Section 4. In case of a tie in voting of the membership or the board of directors, the President shall have the power to cast a deciding vote.
Section 5. Requests to host the National All-Harlequin show, submitted by a Harlequin club member, will be placed on an annual ballot in August for the show to be held two years in the future.
Section 6. In the event that no qualified bid is submitted for the National All-Harlequin Show, the location of the show will be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 7. If the election chair finds manipulation or misuse of election procedures, the chair must bring the issue to the Board of Directors for discussion and vote concerning offending member/s using Robert’s Rules of Order procedure.
Article V – Show Rules
Section 1. The American Rabbit Breeders Association Inc. show rules govern this club.
Section 2. If the terms of conditions of any show cannot be met, the board of directors shall decide all issues, and its decisions are final.
Section 3. Recognized national shows shall be the ARBA annual show and convention and the AHRC National All-Harlequin show. Sweepstakes points received at these two shows will be doubled.
Section 4. The AHRC is not responsible for any prizes offered by individuals. Any club member guilty of not paying prizes offered shall be barred from offering any specials at championship shows and subject to a one (1) year suspension from the club.
Section 5. Awards offered by the AHRC are guaranteed.
Section 6. Prize contributions for successful members at national shows shall be received by the Secretary/Treasurer and all monetary prizes offered by the AHRC will be paid to the winners from the club treasury.
Section 7. Any club wishing to hold a Harlequin sanctioned sweepstakes show must request permission from the club to hold such a show. The request is to be accompanied by a sanction fee as set by the board of directors as well as the show’s ARBA sanction number.
Section 8. The AHRC shall conduct a “sweepstakes series contest” each year for both adult and youth members with the following sweepstakes points computed and awarded to the exhibitors who are members in good standing:
a. Each first place rabbit will be awarded six (6) points times the number of Harlequins exhibited in its class.
b. Each second place rabbit will be awarded four (4) points times the number of Harlequins exhibited in its class.
c. Each third place rabbit will be awarded three (3) points times the number of Harlequins exhibited in its class.
d. Each fourth place rabbit will be awarded two (2) points times the number of Harlequins exhibited in its class.
e. Each fifth place rabbit will be awarded one (1) point times the number of Harlequins exhibited in its class.
f. Each BOB winner will be awarded one (1) point times the number of Harlequins entered at the show.
g. Each BOSB winner will be awarded one half (1/2) point times the number of Harlequins entered at the show, rounded up to the nearest full point.
Section 9. The AHRC shall conduct a “quality contest” each calendar year with the following headings and points calculated as follows:
a. Most BOBs – one point for each BOB won.
b. Most BOSBs – one point for each BOSB won.
c. Most Defeated BOBs – one point for each Harlequin in the breed
d. Most Defeated BOS's -- one point for each best opposite sex harlequin in breed.
e. Most Defeated BOG Japanese – one point for each Japanese shown
f. Most Defeated BOSG Japanese -- one point for each best opposite sex of group Japanese shown.
g. Most Defeated BOG Magpie – one point for each Magpie shown
h. Most Defeated BOSG Magpie – one point for each best opposite sex of group magpie shown.
Section 10. AHRC membership automatically qualifies members for the “Sweepstakes Series Contest” and the “Quality Contest” and the “High Harley Contest”.
Section 11. Youth sanctions are free when obtained with an open show and an ARBA sanction number is enclosed.
Section 12. Sweepstakes points will be awarded to member exhibitors for and in the year that the sanction is returned.
Section 13. High Harley – BOB receives 1-point times number in breed.
Section 14. Whenever a club that has paid for a Harlequin sanction and no Harlequins are shown, that club will receive a free sanction for their next show upon request.
Article VI – Business Transactions
When meetings cannot be called or held, this club shall do all business to the officers and the board of directors by mail/electronic means.
Article VII – Order of Business
Section 1. When club meetings are held, the following order is recommended:
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Reading of minutes of previous meeting
3. Secretary/Treasurer’s report
4. Executive committee’s report
5. Report of other committees
6. Reading of communications
7. Reading of resolutions
8. Unfinished business
9. New Business
10. Discussions
11. Adjournment
Section 2. Robert’s Rules of Order as revised will be the governing rule in the business meetings.
Article VIII – Commissions and Expenses
Section 1. The Secretary/Treasurer shall receive a gas allotment not to exceed $150 for transportation for each national convention and National All-Harlequin show attended. The Secretary/Treasurer will also be allotted a yearly salary of $250. No other financial awards, stipends or commissions shall be awarded without a vote of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. The sweepstakes points keeper shall receive $150 per year to offset expenses to the national convention and/or the National All-Harlequin show.
Section 3. All expenses of the club shall be paid from the money first coming in, and in no case will expenses of allowances be permitted any officer or member without approval of the board of directors.
Article IX – Amendments
All amendments to the Bylaws should be made in the manner described in Article VII of the Constitution.
Article X – Interpretation
The interpretation of the Constitution, Bylaws and all documents and order to the board of directors, shall be binding upon all club members and those enjoying any of the club’s privileges.